November Extra Ordinary minutes 2023

Minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Thursday 16th November 2023
Present: Councillors: A Jackson, D Beehoo, S Plummer, T Diggins, J Young, M Clifft F Newton (Clerk).
Open Forum: n/a
It was Resolved: Cllr Jackson to chair the meeting
31. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr S Rycroft-Jones, H Bingham, and C Robinson- reasons accepted
32. To consider points of Park update :
a.    Update on funding details:
Cllr Jackson confirmed funding as been confirmed subject to an accessibility audit check. Part of the project is to install an all-access swing so the audit should comply with audit requirements. 50% of the funding should be in the PC account by Monday 20th.  The balance will be available once the work is complete, subject to confirmation of invoices and photos of completed work.
Dist Cllr Henry Bingham has already donated £2100.00 and a further £4000.00 grant total are due from Dist Cllr Bingham and King. 
b.     Update on Quotation:
The original quotation was for £19160.00 which included £963.00 for repairs to the combi trail, a new quote for £20966.55 has been received and this includes replacing all the combi trail with new parts. The lead time for the work is currently 5-6 weeks. The PC to supply welfare facilities for the installation team.
Surplus soil to stay in the park, all other waste materials to be disposed off by PC. Cllr Bingham is to investigate the site survey regarding underground pipework.
c.     To vote on next move/order:
It was Resolved: to accept the quotation and the order to be placed, the first invoice to be paid so that work can commence, Bates invoice for welfare services to also be paid
Cllr Beehoo proposed that Thanks to Cllr Jackson for all his work is recorded. This was seconded by Cllr Diggins.
33.  To Appoint Solicitors to deal with Land Transfer
As this matter has previously been discussed in Council. It was Resolved: to appoint Chatterton’s to deal with this on the Councils behalf.
The meeting was closed at 7.30pm
Minutes uploaded on 18th November 2023