October 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Monday 23rd October 2023
Present: Councillors: H Bingham (Chair), C Robinson, D Beehoo, A Jackson, S Plummer, T Diggins, J Young, M Clifft F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: 1 member of the Public
Open Forum: Discussion was had regarding Agenda item 22. MOP to email details to Clerk who is to forward to Councillors
16. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr S Rycroft-Jones, - reasons accepted
17. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  none received
18. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th September 2023: It was Resolved approve the minutes
19.  To receive report from District Councillors: Cllr Bingham reported in his role as Dist Cllr, a meeting is to be set up with SHDC assets to discuss the fence around the Playpark 
20. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: Copies of the report has been circulated 
21. To consider and adopt:
I. Council Code of Conduct
II. Financial regulations
It was Resolved – to amend financial regulations to meet Councils requirements, to enable a clearer audit trail a new bank account is to be set up for any donations received. Code of conduct and financial regulations adopted
22. To discuss Park update: discussed in public forum. Cllr Jackson is dealing with the Grant application and is expecting to receive and update shortly. The new Dog waste bin has been installed in the park next to the Grit box, the Clerk is to contact SHDC in inform them of new location and request that bin is emptied on a regular basis
23. To discuss fencing around St Margarets playing field: this was discussed as part of Agenda item 19
24. To discuss update on Speeding along Town Drove:  it was reported that the Police have been carrying out speed checks in the area. It was resolved: Clerk to contact Police requesting that Archer surveys are carried out at the Donington end of the A152 and near the entrance to the playing field junction on the A152
25. To discuss update on the Village Hall– it was reported that the Hall committee are holding events- nothing further to discuss 
26. To discuss update on the signpost in the middle of the Village: ownership of the post is still being established. Cllr Bingham to contact SHDC to request that the post is tidied up and repainted
27. Planning matters- 
Planning decisions received since the last meeting of council
For comments
Determinations from SHDC
I. H15-0669-23- Outline- Demolition of detached dwelling and construction of new dwelling- The Ferns, Beck Bank, Quadring Fen- APPROVED
28. Finance
i. To approve payments withing the Clerk’s report
26/7/2023 BAK ACCOUNTS 14.60   14.60 BACS
27/9/2023 BAK ACCOUNTS 21.90   21.90 BACS
28/9/2023 TN SNEATH 242.00 48.40 290.40 BACS
13/10/2023 GLASDON 181.88 36.38 218.26 BACS


Invoices to approve retrospectively
30/9/2023 CLERK SALARY 186.20   186.20 BACS
30/9/2023 HMRC 22.80   22.80 BACS

it was resolved to agree payments

ii. To review income and expenditure to 13th October 2023- within Clerk’s report
Balance of account at 18th October 2023 = £25239.78
Income from 1st April to 18th October 2023
Expenditure from 1st April to 18th October 2023
£3856.16 comprising of:
Lalc subscription and annual training scheme £530.58
Coronation ball £250.00
Clerk salary/HMRC payments £1463.00
Grass cutting £1725.60
Salary administration £51.00
Drainage rates £135.03
Insurance £727.95
Glasdon £218.26
Allotment rent has been received and it was agreed to increase this next year by 10% and a new tenancy agreement is to be issued
It was resolved: to agree payments and accept financial statement
29. To received reports from other committees – no meetings have taken place
30. Agenda items for the next meeting: to be held on 4th December 
Park committee update
Budget and precept setting
Weight limit on Church End drove
Grass cutting
Plaque for Salem burial ground
Meeting closed at 8.26 pm
Minutes uploaded on 25th October 2023