December 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council
held on Monday 4th December 2023
Present: Councillors: H Bingham (Chair), C Robinson, D Beehoo, A Jackson, S Plummer, T Diggins, J Young, S. Rycroft- Jones, F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: n/a
Open Forum: na/
34. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr M Clifft, - reasons accepted
35. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: Cllr Bingham declared an interest in Agenda item 47 -II
36. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 23rd October and Extra Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 16th November 2023: It was Resolved approve the minutes
37. To receive report from District Councillors: Cllr Bingham reported in his role as District Cllr that he had been notified that grit had been stolen from the Grit bins in the village
38. To receive the Clerk/Chair’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: Copies of the report has been circulated; all correspondence has been forwarded to Cllrs. Chair report n/a
PCC Policing survey Forward to all
Waste services Complaint forwarded to operations ref
Dog waste bins not being emptied
Cash banked ref Halloween party 1006.08
Allotment agreement sent to Mr Clark Agreed and returned
Bates Welfare services-park installation
Sneath Grass cutting quote
39. To consider and adopt:
I. Publication scheme
II. Recording and Filming of meeting policy
Cllr Jackson proposed that both polices were adopted, this was seconded by Cllr Bingham
It was Resolved – to adopt both Policies- all agreed
40. To discuss Park update: Cllr Jackson reported that the issue with the ground levels under the Zip wire has now been resolved. Clerk reported that the invoice for first payment had not yet been received and also a donation of £150.00 had been received from Transflor. It was reported at this point that there were still ongoing issues with SHDC emptying the Dog waste bins in the Village. Both the Clerk and Cllr Jackson have been in contact with SHDC. To be discussed further at the next meeting
41. To discuss update on signpost in the middle of the Village: Cllr Bingham reported that ownership of the sign still has be to clarified
42. To discuss update on Speeding in the Village: Clerk reported that Dist Cllr King has been in contact with Highways on behalf of the Council. A survey has recently been completed It was resolved: Clerk to contact Highways to request more information about the TRO that Cllr Bingham had applied for
43. To discuss applying for a weight limit on Church End Drove – It was discussed that any weight limit would not apply to vehicles using this road for access to local businesses. “Unsuitable for HGV” signs would probably be more effective. It was resolved: Clerk to contact Dist Cllr/ Highways to request new signage
44. To discuss grass cutting contacts: a quote has been received from Sneaths to add the Casswell drive playpark to the contact. It was resolved: Clerk to request quotations for cutting the grass in the Cemetery
45. To discuss the purchase of a plaque for the Salem Burial ground- it was discussed that an information board would be appropriate for this. It was Resolved: Clerk to investigate purchase of board and to contact Chatterton’s for an update on the legal work for this project
46. To consider appointing LALC as the Internal Auditor- Clerk explained that LALC will audit the Council policies, processes, and financials, advised that this would be beneficial. It was Resolved: Clerk to enquire into the costings
47. Planning matters-
Planning decisions received since the last meeting of council
For comments
Determinations from SHDC
As all determinations had already been approved and there would be no further discussion it was agreed that Cllr Bingham should stay in the room
I. H15-0557-23- Wildlife survey, contamination of land/pollution, landscaping/tree planting, boundary treatments, external doors, and frames. Conditions 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of H15-0100-21 – Judy Cross Barn, Watergate. APPROVED,
II. H15-0944-23 – Proposed Agricultural Building- Land at Sarah gate Lane, Quadring- Crossroads Nursery. APPROVED
48. Finance
i. To approve payments withing the Clerk’s report
9/6/2023 | SHDC | 60.00 | 60.00 | BACS | |
27/9/2023 | BAK ACCOUNTS | 14.60 | 14.60 | BACS |
Invoices to approve retrospectively
30/9/2023 | CLERK SALARY | 186.20 | 186.20 | BACS | |
30/9/2023 | HMRC | 22.80 | 22.80 | BACS | |
29/3/2023 | BAK ACCOUNTS | 12.00 | 12.00 | BACS |
It was Resolved to agree payments
ii. To review income and expenditure to 30th November 2023- within Clerk’s report
Balance of account at 27th November 2023 = £32955.85
Income from 19th October to 28th November 2023
Expenditure from 18th October to 28th November 2023
£221.00 comprising of:
Clerk salary/HMRC payments £209.00
Salary administration £12.00
It was resolved: to agree payments and accept financial statement
49. To received reports from other committees – no meetings have taken place- It was Resolved: Clerk to contact the clerk to Unknown Donors to request a date for the next meeting and make enquiries about when the balance of monies will be received
To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business in Agenda item 50
Move into Closed session was proposed by Cllr Jackson and seconded by Cllr
Diggins. Clerk asked to leave the room
50. Clerks pay review – Clerks pay discussed and agreed
Clerk returned to room- It was resolved- pay increase to £13.50 agreed, to be made
from next pay date
51. To consider Budget and set Precept for 2024/2025 – The grant to the
PCC was discussed, it is yet to be made, this was proposed by Cllr Jackson to
increase this to £2000.00, Cllr Bingham proposed an increase to £2250.00. A
vote took place. It was Resolved- to increase the grant to £2000.00 but for the
purposes of transparency the Council would require copies of any invoices for work
carried out. The figure awarded may be increased in the future. The Budget for
2024/2025 was agreed and the precept set for £14400.00
52. Agenda items for next meeting
30. Agenda items for the next meeting: to be held on 15th January 2024
Park committee update
Weight limit/ signage on Church End drove
Plaque for Salem burial ground
Grass cutting in the Cemetery
Update on Annual Training/Audit from LALC
Meeting closed at 8.10 pm
minutes uploaded on 8th December 2023