September 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Monday 18th September  2023
Present: Councillors: H Bingham (Chair), C Robinson, D Beehoo, A Jackson, S Plummer, T Diggins, F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: N/A
Open Forum: None
1. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr S Rycroft-Jones, Cllr M Clifft, Cllr J Young- reasons accepted
2. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  none received
3. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 31st July 2023: It was Resolved approve the minutes
4.  To receive report from District Councillors: Cllr Bingham reported in his role as Dist Cllr 
5. To receive the Clerk’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: Copies of the report has been circulated, emails received from Waste Services at SHDC and parishioner regarding the new sign placed along Town Drove- this is being dealt with by Dist Cllr King. Chair reported that there had been complaints about speeding – on agenda to discuss, also there is going to be a Ward 
Walk if anyone has issues, they would like looking at- email to Chair
6. To discuss Park update and inspection quotations: Three quotes have been received, from Wicksteed, Playground Inspections and Sawscape: It was Resolved to accept the quote from Playground Inspections- Clerk to book in.
Cllr Jackson reported on the park, dog bins still need replacing, Clerk to forward email on from SHDC waste services with links to Suppliers. A Meeting of the Park Committee was held last week, which was attended by a member of the Donington committee who gave some advice. The committee are looking to contact local businesses to ask for donations towards play equipment and new benches. All paperwork as been send off to the UK Prosperity fund, a reply is expected by the middle of October. Fencing is damaged, Clerk to contact SHDC regarding repairs. To be discussed at the next meeting. It was Resolved to agree via email which bins to purchase, further Park updates to be discussed at the next meeting
7. To discuss speeding along Town Drove and village: speed checks have been seen taking place. Cllr Jackson reported that he has contacted Dist Cllr King to request that further speed checks are held between the hours of 6 and 7 am and 6 till 9pm as this seems to be the larger problem times. It was resolved: Clerk to contact LRSP and Rural Policing Team
8. To discuss update on Church yard: The Clerk has been in contact with Parish Administrator regarding the state of the Church yard. The complaint was raised 3 months ago and the yard has now been tidied up. The Church warden has been asked to contact the Clerk in future with any issues. Cllr Plummer is to forward photos of the issues to Clerk to send on to Church.  It was Resolved that the Clerk would contact Parish Administrator to confirm that the Parish council contribute towards the upkeep and expect that the yard – including the cremation plots - is always kept in a satisfactory condition, and if the current funding level is not adequate at achieve this then the PC is contacted so that it can be addressed
9. To discuss update on Village Hall:  The possibility of registering St Margarets Hall as a community asset was discussed, Clerk to investigate
10. To discuss update on signpost in the middle of the village – ownership of the sign is to be ascertained who is responsible for the upkeep of this. Cllr Bingham and Jackson to investigate 
11. Planning Matters- none received. Cllr Bingham reported that there will be some Planning training soon to help with decisions
12. Finance:
a) To approve payments of accounts within Clerks report 
Invoices to pay
5/9/2023 TN SNEATH 303.00 60.60 363.60 BACS
Invoices to approve retrospectively
4/9/2023 CLERK SALARY 167.20   167.20 BACS
4/9/2023 CLERK SALARY 167.20   167.20 BACS
4/9/2023 HMRC 83.60   83.60 BACS

It was resolved to agree payments

b) To review income and expenditure – report not available
13. To receive reports from other Committees: nothing to report
To move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business in Agenda item 14
It was resolved to move into Closed Session 8.04pm
14. Staffing Matters – New Clerk contract to be agreed. Clerk taking over RFO role was discussed, Cllr Beehoo and Clerk to meet regarding hand over of finances.  Clerk to be added to bank mandate – proposed by Cllr Bingham and seconded by Cllr Jackson. All agreed
Council moved out of Closed session 8.16pm
15. Agenda items for the next meeting: to be held on 23rd October 
Park committee update
Church yard
Budget and precept setting
Meeting closed at 8.21 pm