July 2023 Minutes
Quadring Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting
Monday 31st July 2023 at 7.00pm at St Margarets Village Hall, Quadring.
Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance.
1. Present.
Cllr Bingham (Chair). Mrs Armstrong-Taylor (Clerk), Cllr Rycroft-Jones, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Plummer, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Diggins, Cllr Young (arrived at 7.25pm)
2. Apologies for absence.
Cllr Beehoo, Cllr Clifft
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of 26th June and any updates to those Minutes.
Agreed and signed
5. Chairmans and Clerks Reports to include any correspondence received.
Speeding Town Drove – Discussing complaint previously submitted by parishioner, councillors agreed that the parish council are in support of better signage along Town Drove and the Chair will be in contact with the County Council as agreed in previous correspondence. Correspondence will be forwarded to parishioner to confirm.
Jane King, District Councillor has attended the village with Highways to ascertain any works that need carrying out in the parish. Work is to be carried out in Church End to repair pot holes.
6. Park Update
Dog Bins – Clerk to re-email and chase the dog bin replacement which has not yet been carried out.
Playground Survey – Clerk to contact Sawscape to chase the annual survey.
General Park Update – Cllr Jackson is continuing with correspondence for funding towards the repair and replacement of equipment in the park through the levelling up fund and Lincolnshire Community Foundation. Chair applauded Cllr Jackson for all his hard work and effort with regards to the park and thanked him thus far.
Park Committee – Apologies from the proposed park committee who were unable to attend the meeting, due to unforeseen circumstance they had not yet had a meeting but were looking to organise such meeting within the next fortnight.
7. Planning Applications
H15-0492-23 - Single storey rear extension, first floor side extension above garage and new roof over porch - 20 TOWN DROVE QUADRING SPALDING PE11 4PU - Decision By 05-09-23 Applicant Mr J Baker 20 Town Drove Quadring Spalding Lincolnshire – Undecided
No objections
8. Payments
Sneaths Inovice 12.07.23 - £260.40- agreed
Invoice 26.07.23 - £320.40 – agreed (higher bill due to the added cut at Casswell Drive)
9. Any other business
Church Yard – It was brought to the attention of Counsellors that following previous meeting areas of the church yard were still overgrown and untidy. Clerk to email Mrs Reynolds regarding this issue.
Village Hall – a query was raised as to whether the Village Hall should be a Community asset.
Signpost in Middle of Village – query was raised that the original sign on the crossroads in the garden at the top was in need of a tidy up, who has the ownership of the signage and can it be protected due to its age? Cllr Bingham will look into this and report back.
10. Agenda items for next meeting
As usual.
11. Next Meeting – 18th September at 7.00pm
No further business meeting closed at 8.05pm
Contact for Quadring Parish Council - quadringparishclerk@gmail.com