May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Quadring Parish Council
Minutes of General Parish Meeting
Quadring Village Hall – 15th May 2023 @ 7.15pm
1. Present
Cllr Bingham (Chair) Mrs Armstrong-Taylor (Clerk), Cllr Jackson, Cllr Plummer, Cllr Beehoo, Cllr Rycroft-Jones, Cllr Clifft, Cllr Young
Cllr Robinson, Cllr Diggins
2. Election of Chairperson
Cllr Beehoo was nominated for chairperson, but declined. Cllr Jackson was nominated but declined.
Cllr Beehoo nominated Cllr Bingham, seconded by Cllr Rycroft-Jones. Cllr Bingham accepted the position.
3. Election of Vice Chairperson
Cllr Bingham nominated Cllr Rycroft-Jones, seconded by Cllr Beehoo. Cllr Rycroft-Jones accepted the position.
4. Election of Financial Officer
Cllr Beehoo nominated by Cllr Plummer and seconded by Cllr Bingham. Cllr Beehoo accepted position. Cllr Rycroft-Jones to assist.
All Councillors completed and signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office and were handed Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Forms to complete and return to SHDC.
5. Committees and Outside Bodies
Unknown Donors – Cllrs Beehoo and Cllr Rycroft-Jones
Cowley Trust – Cllr Rycroft-Jones and Cllr Plummer
Staffing Committee – All 9 Councillors will be responsible to this committee.
6. Adoption of Codes of Conduct and Policies
All Councillors in agreement to follow the same Codes as previously in place.
7. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of 3rd April 2023 and any updates to those Minutes.
Cllr Beehoo brought to the clerks attention that Cllr Young was in attendance at the meeting arriving after the meeting began, Minutes to be amended. Further minutes agreed.
8. Chairmans and Clerks Reports to include any correspondence received.
Website Correspondence
Query as to whether the AGM & APM would be included on the same documentation or separated due to there being an issue with the documents being posted within the website. It was agreed that documents would be separate.
LALC Management Committee Nominations.
Cllr Rycroft-Jones raised her interest and was backed by Cllr Bingham to put her name forward to this.
Donation re: Defibrillator situate at Quadring Primary School
Cllr Rycroft-Jones gave some background regarding the defibrillator. Request for donation to reimburse the school was made for £500. Cllr Bingham left the room due to a conflict of interest. Was suggested that a District Councillor could help with this and contact Jane King to ask.
Clerks Resignation
Cllr Bingham informed all Councillors that the clerk had handed in her notice for the role due to other commitments. She has agreed to continue with the role until a replacement can be obtained. Council thanked the Clerk for the work which has been carried out during her time as Clerk.
Speed Limit – Town Drove
Discussing a letter from a parishioner. Was agreed that there is not a lot the parish council are able to do but we would request some quotes for 30mph speed signs which would be forwarded to the parishioner and also suggest that they contact the County Councillor, Cllr J King, who may be able to offer more assistance.
9. Receive and Adopt Accounts
Proposed and seconded.
10. AGAR
Forms were to be completed and submitted and a copy displayed on the notice board
11. Park Update
Cllr Jackson updated Cllrs to the position with regard to quotes
Lincolnshire community fund was contacted – no funding
SHDC – suggested Levelling up fund
Quotes requested from:
Playdale- finalizing quote
Wicksteed – awaiting quote
Action play and Leisure – received booklet – awaiting quote
Peaks playground – no response
Rhino play – Quote of £18,104.00 +vat
Online playgrounds (who Gosberton used) – no reply
Jane King could donate up to £2000 from her council budget , with hope of other 2 District Councilors to donate as well
12. Planning Applications
H15-0398-23 – Proposed Detached Summer House/Games Room – 63B Town Drove, Quadring, Spalding, Lincs PE11 4QL – Mr R Henson - Decision by 23.06.23
No objections
H15-0318-23 – Installation of two air source heat pumps – Honey Pot House, 246 Main Road, Quadring, Spalding, Lincs – Dr T May – Decision by 22.06.23
No objections.
13. Payments
Sneaths - £520.80
Drainage Board - £135.03
LALC Training - £168.00
14. Quadring Fen Village Hall
No updates.
15. UK Shared Prosperity Funding and Rural Prosperity Fund – Updates
Park Funding discussed as the main option for funding. Funding was in high demand, quotes need to be in for park and apply as soon as possible.
16. Extra Bins – Dog Bins
Clerk contacted previously but had no response since and no new bins have been installed. Clerk to resend and ask for Chair to be copied in to future correspondence.
17. Coronation Benches
Cllr Bingham in process of obtaining benches for the Casswell Drive park area.
18. LALC Training
Agreed that training would be requested and Clerk to ask for bill for training to be included for the Council.
19. Any Other Business
Insurance Bill has not been received, Clerk to chase.
Cllr Clifft has been approached by members of the public regarding the canon scarers in the field behind Casswell housing estate. He has been in contact with the NFU and stated the farmer is in breach as scarers go off 4 times an hour. Asked for an email of complaint to be forward to the clerk who will send to environmental services.
Cllr Jackson brought to the Councils attention the park defects that needed checking on Casswell drive park.
Salem Burial Ground- Councilor Jackson had been and looked at this now work is nearing its end, the baptism pool had been repaired with new bricks on the top and grate put over as requested, and wall strengthened with fresh cement, this is not listed but is a place of architectural interest and photos were taken as part of the archeological survey we need to check SHDC happy with repairs as no permission we are aware of was granted, we are unsure if this was required or not so want to check before taking responsibility.
20. Agenda items for next meeting.
Agenda as standard.
No further business, meeting closed at 8.56pm