November 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Monday 11th November 2024 at St Margarets Hall, Quadring at 7pm
Present: Councillors: H. Bingham (Chair) D Beehoo, A Jackson, T Diggins, J Young, S S Rycroft-Jones, C Robinson, F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: 2 members of the public and S Whitton from LCC Community Emergency Planning team
Open Forum: The 2 members of the public made a representation to the Council regarding planning application number H15-0806-24
Cllr Young joined the meeting
166. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr Plummer and Cllr Clifft. It was Resolved to accept the apologies
167. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  Cllr Bingham and Young declared an interest in Agenda item 180- church funding
168. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 23rd September 2024: It was Resolved to approve the minutes 
169. To receive a short presentation from SHDC/LCC emergency planning manager- S Whitton explained about the community emergency planning scheme- the presentation is being made to Gosberton PC next week and the Clerk is to liaise with the two Councils to make up a team to take this forward. Cllr Robinson, Jackson, and Rycroft Jones were nominated for this.
S Whitton left the meeting
170. To receive report from District Councillors- Cllr Bingham reported in his role of Dist Cllr- SHDC have appointed a new Manager in Waste Services, and have new systems in place, so hopefully we should see an improvement in services, following on from the recent SHDC survey ref waste collections 51% of participants wanted to keep black bags. SHDC will soon be implementing the collection of food waste in bins.
171. To receive Chair/Clerks report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations-   
LALC enews circulated
BSH engagement circulated
SHDC planning training 14th November and 12th December
Meridan solar newsletter circulated
email from Parishioner ref Casswell drive benches, tree maintenance and budget chair replied in Clerk's absence explaining Council's position on points raised
email from Parishioner ref planning application Chair replied in Clerk's absence inviting parishioner to email over representati
Cllr Beehoo has received two complaints about the siting of benches in the green space on Casswell drive, concerned that there could be late night gatherings and anti-social behaviour- after discussion it was agreed that the benches had been discussed in meetings over a long period of time so would be installed, Council have had lots of requests for benches in this area. Council will monitor the situation and if problems arise the benches will be resighted in other areas of the village. It was Resolved to install benches as planned
172. To consider appointing LALC as Internal Auditors for 2024/2025- It was Resolved to appoint LALC.
173. To discuss highways/road subsidence in the village- there is no update on the repairs to North Drove/Gravecote lane. Cllr Jackson has reported the pothole outside the village shop. Cllr Rycroft-Jones commented on the state of the road near the primary school, clerk to report this. Council is to encourage public to report any issues via the Fix My Street webpage.
174. To discuss update on playpark- Cllr Jackson reported that the second phase of the park renewal had been completed, the harness for the Inclusive swing had been removed, this is detachable and concerns were raised that the harness would be stolen. As the residents of Sense use the park on a regular basis, it was agreed that the harness would be left with them, and explained that if damaged they would have to replace. The grant schemes have been extended, Cllr Jackson suggested that the Council should continue with the replacement of the rest of the adventure trail and fencing. It was Resolved- Clerk to arrange play inspection and contact Dist Cllr King ref signposting to both Parks, and arrange quotes to replace fencing along the back perimeter of the park
175. To discuss update on purchase of plaque for the Salem Burial ground- no update
176. To discuss refurbishment of Crossroads sign in the middle of the village- Highways have been unable to obtain written permission to access the sign from the householders. Clerk to obtain quote for replacing Village sign at this junction.
177. To discuss complaints received about vehicles parking on the pavements- Cllr Jackson has received complaints about cars parking on the pavements along Watergate and Town Drove, this is causing problems for push chairs and wheelchair users.  It was Resolved for the Clerk to contact the Community policing team 
178. To discuss picnic benches for Casswell Drive- It was Resolved- Clerk to seek quotes for installation
179. To discuss grass cutting in the village- Quotations have been received from contractors- It was Resolved to continue to use TN Sneath 
180. To consider budget for 2025/2026- The budget was discussed at length, and due to the continuation of the replacement of items in the Playpark it was agreed that the Precept would have to be raised. It was Resolved to accept the budget and Precept figure of £15500.00, this was agreed by all Councillors
181. Planning Matters
Planning applications/decisions received since the last Council meeting
For comments
I. H015-0762-24 – Proposed first floor extension to create new room- The Cottage Stables, Town Drove- J Thompson- No comments
II. H15-0806-24- Demolition of existing building and erection of replacement dwelling- The Ferns, Beck Bank-I Trevor- No comments from Council- Cllr Bingham clarified that in his role as Dist Cllr the reasons why he had objected to the application. The objection had been made after contacting the Planning officer and that the application would go before the Chairmans panel
III. H15-0712-24- Demolition of existing garage and replace with wooden shed with tiled roof-68 Town Drove- R Gannon- No comments
IV. H15-0865-24- Erection of 7 detached dwellings- outline approval H15-0360-22- adj 62 Watergate- Clark Group – Cllr Jackson raised point about no refuse collection point on plans
182. Finance
I. To approve payments within Clerks report
14/10/2024 T Sneath 601.00 120.20 721.20 BACS
14/10/2024 Playdales 7474.80 1494.96 8969.76 BACS
9/10/2024 Playdales 4088.54 817.71 4906.25 BACS
Previously Authorised
31/10/2024 Clerk salary 241.70   241.70 BACS
31/10/2024 HMRC 14.80   14.80 BACS


It was Resolved to authorise payments
II. To review income and expenditure to 4th November 2024 
Balance of account at 4th November 2024
Current Account -   £30648.33
Instant Savings-     £1313.76 – play park committee- earmarked
Instant Savings-     £3001.23-  Salem burial ground maintenance
Income from 24th September – 4th November
£4783.29 from 
SHDC- Dist Councillor £1000.00
Bank Interest £2.31
Allotment receipt £1663.17
Vat reclaimed £2617.81
Expenditure from 24th September – 4th November   (including items to be approved at this meeting)
183. To receive reports from other committees- no meetings have taken place
184. To set date for next meeting- 6th January 2025
Meeting closed at 8.49pm
Chairman ………………………………….