April 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2024
Present: Councillors: S. Rycroft- Jones (Chair) M Clifft, C Robinson, D Beehoo, A Jackson, S Plummer, T Diggins, J Young, F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: N/A
Open Forum: N/A
86. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr H Bingham- It was Resolved to accept apologies
87. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  Cllr Diggins declared an interest in Agenda item 94
88. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 26th February 2024: It was Resolved to approve the minutes 
89.  To receive report from District Councillors: No report received
90. To receive the Clerk/Chair’s report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations: No Chair report- Clerks report has been circulated via email before the meeting
Broadgate homes Meeting at Salem burial ground
SHDC Notice of Election PCC
Glasdon New Dog waste bin received
Lincolnshire Emergency planning Email circulated
National Grid Email circulated
LALC e-news circulated
Andi signs Quote requested for playpark sign
91. To consider registering with the ICO
It was Resolved – to register, cost approx. £40.00.
92. To consider and adopt
I. GDPR Statement
II. Data protection policy
III. Data breach policy
It was resolved to adopt policies 
93. To discuss update in Playpark and follow on from Playground inspection: Cllr Jackson reported quotations have been received from
Wicksteed £26200.00, Rhino play £22900.00, Play dales £23000.00. The process of completing the Grant application has begun and the Council are looking for 60% grant, donations of £900.00 from local businesses ( £200.00 T Diggins, £100 M Clifft, £200 J B Robinson, £100.00 Chandlers £300.00 from Quadring WI) and £575.00 from the Unknown Donors charity have already been received, Cllr Jackson has approached other local business but waiting for confirmation of any funding they are able to donate. It was also reported that older children have been seen trying to use the cradle swings due to the other swings being out of action.  It was Resolved: to accept the quotation from Playdales, to include the safety fencing in front of the swings, and to also remove the seats/chains from the cradle swings to avoid any risk of injury due to misuse. Cllr Jackson to remove seats/chains. Cllrs thanked Cllr Jackson for his work with the grant application
94. To discuss purchase of plaque for Salem Burial ground and update on land transfer: Cllr Diggins left the room at 7.43pm, Clerk has requested quotation from local business for sign, a meeting was held on site with representative from Broadgate homes, there is still a query over the access which is waiting to be resolved. Cllr Diggins rejointed the meeting at 7.49pm
95. To discuss refurbishment of Cross Roads sign in the middle of the Village – Clerk is to investigate access to site and check if sign can be dismantled or needs to be painted in situ
96. To note update on Dog waste bin: The bin has been received and Cllr Jackson will install, due to the sight of the bin it was decided not to concrete into the ground.
97.  Planning matters
Planning applications/decisions received since the last Council meeting
For comments
I. H15-0155-24- Proposed steel frame shed for housing of livestock- Land off Main Road, Quadring- Mr R Catlin- 
This application was discussed and no comments to be made
I. H15-0070-24- Works to Quadring tree preservation order, 10 Ludlow Gardens – APPROVED
II. H15-0183-23- Bomb shelter with covered access shaft-Retrospective- 112 Town Dam Drove, Quadring- APPROVED
III. H015-0022-24- Modification of 106 agreements in relation to affordable housing- land adj. Crossroads Nursery, Main Road, Quadring- APPROVED
IV. H015-0077-24- Extensions & Alterations- The Foxes, New Road, Quadring- APPROVED
No comments
98. Finance
i. To approve payments withing the Clerk’s report
02/03/2024 Glasdon 181.88 36.38 218.26 BACS
29/02/2024 Play Inspections 375.00 75.00 450.00 BACS
26/03/2024 LALC Training 150.00 30.00 180.00 BACS
Invoices paid with Delegated Authority
31/03/2024 Clerk salary 227.50 227.50
31/03/2024 HMRC 29.00 29.00 BACS
It was Resolved to approve payments
Draft Annual accounts have been circulated and it was noted that the LALC subscription invoice had been paid early so showing in 2023/2024 accounts. 
ii. To review income and expenditure to 31st March 2024- within Clerk’s report
Balance of account at 31st March 2024 = £18663.98 includes £1306.08 – Play committee funds
Income from 22nd Feb to 31st March 2024
£7797.87 from
UKSPF - £6322.87
Unknown Donors - £575.00
Chandlers £100.00- J Robinsons £200.00- WI £300.00- M Clifft £100.00- T Diggins £200.00
Expenditure from 22nd Feb to 31st March 2024 
Cllr Beehoo requested that all donations made towards Playing field as shown in the Reserves, to be discussed at the next meeting
iii. To review fixed asset register- Register not available at meeting- Clerk to email copy out to all
99. To received reports from other committees – Cllr Beehoo reported on the recent meeting of the Unknown Donors Charity, all the new tenancies have been sorted, and all property is now on the Land Registry. Monies have been distributed. Council in receipt of £575.00- no further monies is available for distribution currently due to large legal fees. Report received from Cowley Browns Charity- Doles are down and people need to apply if in trouble financially, applications can be made directly to the Charity. Young people going to college/university can also make applications for funding.
100. Agenda items for the next meeting: to be held on 12th May 2024 
Park updates and Salem Burial ground
Crossroads sign and dog waste bin
Reserves and AGAR- Casswell drive play equipment
Meeting closed at 8.40 pm
uploaded 10th April 2024