12th August

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Monday 12th August at St Margarets Hall, Quadring at 7pm
Present: Councillors: H. Bingham (Chair) M Clifft, D Beehoo, A Jackson, T Diggins, J Young, S Plummer, S Rycroft-Jones,  F Newton (Clerk).
Also, in Attendance: none
Open Forum: none
135. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: none received
136. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  Cllr Diggins declared an interest in agenda item 143, Cllr Bingham and Young declared an interest in agenda item 147 II.
137. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 1st July 2024: It was Resolved to approve the minutes 
138. To receive report from District Councillors- The report from Dist Cllr King on the recent ward walk has been circulated to all members of the Parish Council. Cllr Bingham reported in his role of Dist Cllr about the new infrastructure projects planned for the local area. The Parish Council are to make a representation about the adverse effects this project will have on the local area, and that it will bring little benefit to residents and their will be a  loss of agricultural land (food security).
139. To receive Chair/Clerks report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations-   Cllr Diggins left the room at 7.11pm. Clerk reported ref Complaint about weeds in Burial ground, Broadgate have agreed to deal with this issue. The TRO notice for Town Drove has been placed on the board.
LCC Minerals and waste consultation
Parishioner Complaint about weeds in Salem Burial ground
SHDC Wheelie bin survey, added to website and FB page
LALC Training circulated to all
SHDC Tenant survey- added to notice board
Greener homes grant Added to notice board
Planning inspectorate update on Grimsby to Walpole project
Highways TRO notice for Town drove
Cllr Diggins returned to the room at 7.15pm
140. To consider adopting new/updated policies
I. Recreational grounds policy
II. Complaints policy and procedure
III. Vexatious complaints policy and procedure
The Clerk reported that she had produced two separate Recreational grounds policies for St Margarets and Casswell Drive, to reflect that the use of Bicycles and dog walking would be permitted on Casswell drive, outside of the enclosed play area
It was resolved to adopt all the policies with the Clerk amendments to Recreational grounds policy
141. To discuss highways/road subsidence in the village- Cllr Jackson reported on complaints he had received regarding the state of the road along North Drove, there are also issues on South Drove and Beck bank. All of these roads are used as access to the properties in Quadring Fen and to local farming businesses.  A vehicle had recently been damaged on North Drove due to the issue. Recent works have been carried out to patch some of the areas of subsidence. A permanent ‘bumpy road’ sign would be installed. Highways are to continue to access the situation. It was felt by Councillors that this situation is due to lack of investment and is dangerous, potentially causing more damage to vehicles. Clerk to contact Dist Cllr King requesting Councils views are passed onto Highways officers. 
142. To discuss update on Playpark and play equipment in Casswell drive- The Clerk reported that the install of the next phase of the play park renewal is due to start on 23rd September, the same installation team are due to attend. Welfare facilities have been booked. Cllr Jackson reported that there had been a slight increase in the quote due to changes in how the wet-pour surface is to be laid. A discussion took place over the fencing, it was agreed that this would be left until after the rest of the park has been refurbished- hopefully a further grant will be received from Lincs Com Foundation. A quotation of £70.00 has been received to repaint the swing in the Casswell drive park- It was Resolved to accept this quote
Cllr Diggins left the room at 7.50 pm
143. To discuss update on purchase of plaque for Salem burial ground- Clerk to contact local Gentleman’s society to find out if they have any information regarding the Burial site that could be put onto a plaque.
Cllr Diggins returned to the room at 7.54pm.
144. To discuss refurbishment of Crossroads sign in the middle of the village- 
Cllr Jackson reported that LCC Highways have agreed to refurbish the sign but they require written permission from the home owner to access the site across their lawn. Cllr Jackson has been to see the residents to explain the situation, the residents were keen for the work to be done but so far, the Clerk is still awaiting correspondence.
145. To discuss picnic benches for Casswell Drive- a quote for installation of a concrete base has been received. Cllr Bingham suggested that slabs and a hardcore base may be more suitable and has agreed to fund this. Quotes for the benches required.
146. To discuss grass cutting in the Village- the new area on Casswell drive has been added to the mowing contract. Cllr Beehoo has received a complaint that the adjoining dyke is not being strimmed and this is often used as a short cut by people to get onto Barehams Lane. It was agreed not to strim this area as it could be seen as encouraging people to trespass on local agricultural land. A discussion took place regarding the ongoing maintenance of the Salem burial ground, it was agreed that the best course of action for this would be to spray and strim 2-3 times a year. Quotations to be requested from Contractor
147. Planning matters
Planning applications/decisions received since the last Council meeting
For comments
I. H15-0643-24- Residential development- proposed single dwelling with access- land adjacent to 196 Main Road – P Jackson
No comments
Cllr Bingham and Young left the room at 8.12pm. Cllr Rycroft- Jones sat as Chair for next item
II. H15-0602-24- replace south aisle aluminium roof with terne coated stainless steel,installation of air source heat pump- St Margarets Church- D Reynolds
Council support plan
Cllr Bingham and Young returned to the room at 8.16pm. and Cllr Bingham returned to chair
I. H15-1095-23- Proposed residential development comprising 14 dwellings- Land off Main Road, Quadring- Crossroads Nurseries-APPROVED
II. H15-0471-24 -Proposed side extension, 16 Beck Bank, Quadring Fen- Mr Thorold- APPROVED
148. Finance
I. To approve payments in Clerks report
24/07/2024 T N Sneath 650.00 130.00 780.00 BACS
8/08/204 Playdales 11742.06 2348.41 14090.47 BACS
12/08/2024 Bates 70.00 14.00 84.00 BACS


II. To review income and expenditure to 12th August 2024
Income from 1st July to 12th August  
£14435.45 from 
Lincs Comm Foundation £13832.30
Bank Interest £1.35
Vat refund £601.80
Expenditure from 1st July to 12th August  (including items to be approved at this meeting)
III. To receive bank reconciliations
Balance of account at 12th August 2024 
Current Account - £29425.25
Instant Savings- £1310.27
IV. To review Budget 2024/25- the budget was discussed, Clerk to rework figures for next meeting and increase insurance by 15%, Mowing by contractors to £6000.00 to incorporate new areas, Clerks Salary 5%, Equipment, and maintenance to £600.00, Passive speed signs (to cover Speedwatch) to £1000.00 and legal fees to £1500.00. it was agreed that any Equipment/maintenance budget left over would be rolled into the next year to build up a fund. Earmarked expenditure for Quadring PCC to increase to £2500.00
It was resolved- to approve payments, income and expenditure, bank reconciliations.
149. To receive reports from other committees- Cllr Rycroft-Jones and Plummer reported on last meeting of the Cowley Browns charity. Concerns were raised about the lack of applicants for Dole money, this is available to Quadring residents over the age of 65 with savings of less than £18k. Notices have been placed in Church magazine, a copy of this notice to be forwarded to clerk to place on PC notice board
150. Agenda items for the next meeting
Casswell drive
Grass cutting
Picnic benches
Meeting closed at 8.31pm
uploaded on 13th August 14.37