August 2021
A meeting of Quadring Parish council was held on Tuesday 31st August 2021 at 7pm
Present 2 Electors
1. Apologies for absence – Janet Young
2. Declarations of interest – none
3. Approve minutes of the last meeting plus updates- approved
4. Chairman’s remarks and clerk report to include correspondence- Anonymous letter discussed ref: planning app town drove, and no further action to be taken due to no names or reply addresses.
5. To discuss the notice of public interest issued against Quadring Parish Council in regards to the none submission of agar 19/20 due to clerk illness etc. – Agreed and displayed
6. Community Speed watch- Agreed to join and parish councilors able to take training once the minimum number of people come forward to go ahead.
7. Park and bin update- Clerk to get quotes for inspection
8. Planning matters
H15-0760-21 Sunny lea barn, surface water disposal- no observations
Any other plans that have come in since printing
9. Payments £108.00 Lalc training, and to accept £1038.28 VAT return
10. Clerk update- interviews to take place and results back to next meeting
11. Set date for next meeting Monday 11th October
12. Any other business- Cllr Jackson donated a book regarding regulations for parish councils. Reports of northdrove and swale bank being in further disrepair even after “repairs”, also fly tipping south drove. Also fly tipping of garden waste in the dyke of the park on Casswell drive
13. Agenda items for next meeting- clerk update, speedwatch, salem burial ground update.
Temporary contact for Quadring parish council tel 07868701655