January 2021 Minutes (18th)
Minutes of meeting Monday 18th of January 2021 at 7pm. The meeting was held via zoom.
3 members of the public present also lcc Cllr Rodney Grocock and press
1. Apologies- none. R Grocock, 3members of public and press
2. Minutes of last meeting - read and agreed
3. Matters arising- speeding discussed
4. Chairman’s statement - The chairman read out a statement stating she did not feel she had the support or backing of the council so was left with no option to stand down from position of chairman and from the parish council with immediate effect, then left the meeting. It was agreed, as vice chairman Councillor Bingham would take over the meeting. The chairman was thanked for all she had done on the council, and then requested the clerk write a thank-you letter to the chairman to this effect.
5. Matters from closed meeting- it was felt the that standing orders, code of conduct, complaints procedure, discrimination policy and the clerk contract all needed looking into. Councillor Bingham requested volunteers for a steering group. Councillors Bingham, Beehoo, Rycroft-Jones and Jackson came forward for this, upon coming up with new information this was to be brought back to all councillors.
6. Correspondence - letter requesting Green Lane be looked at due to HGVs using this road, Councillor Grocock would look in to this once information was passed to him
7. Payments verified - payment to clerk for zoom account that he was asked to purchase was agreed by all councillors, councillor Jackson felt this bill could have been avoided as other zoom accounts had been offered so offered a £50 public subscription to go against this. The chairman thanked him for this and stated public donations are always appreciated. Dog bin fitting was agreed to be paid on Casswell drive.
8. Discuss why we are not part of LALC - Councillor Bingham had looked in to this more and explained that as a council there was training for councillors and the clerk and this could be a benefit to the council. This was unanimously agreed to re-join LALC. The clerk was to arrange this.
9. Any other business - dog mess on footpaths 4 and 5. - Councillor Jackson brought up highways delay on repairs. Email was to be sent from him to councillor Grocock to look in to this. - Footpath 7 was partly blocked by vegetation. A email had been sent to highways - Speeding along main road and Town Drove - Councillor bingham requested “procedural items” and “election of new chairman” to be added to agenda for next meeting.