April 2021 Minutes
The meeting of Quadring parish council was held on Monday 19th of April 2021 at 7pm. Present was one member of the public and a member of the press
1. Apologies for absence – none
2. Declarations of interests – chairman declared he was a member of the drainage board ref payment but had no financial interest
3. Approve minutes of the last meeting plus updates –approved
4. Chairman’s remarks and clerk report to include correspondence. -None
5. Village sign repair- councilors were to look in who painted it to try and have it redone. Chairman to look in to other options of replacement
6. Speeding issues main road update- a traffic survey had been done showing the average speed was 30mph, but there were still a high number of speeders per day. Councilor Bingham was to speak with the other parish councils to request support for a t.r.o to reduce the speed limit between villages to hopefully reduce the number of speeders.
7. Litter and dog bins not being emptied and repair- bins not being emptied was reported to shdc and has become a regular occurrence, also the dog bin on barehams lane needed repair, clerk was to ask if shdc could do this, but councilor diggings and Jackson have offered to attempt repair before doing so.
8. Foot bridge back of boyfields footpath 7- is now repaired
9. Planning matters
H15-0240-21 cottage beck bank quadring demolition of existing extension and erection of new one – no objection
10. Payments – clerk salary £900, Welland and Deeping drainage board £113.67, lalc part year subscription cost to be confirmed. All agreed.
11. Discuss arrangements for next meeting – meeting to be held in hall covid compliant, as legislation allowing zoom meetings was to end, if it was extended then we would continue with zoom meetings.
12. Set date for next meeting -7th of June 2021
13. Any other business- councilor diggins to continue oiling roundabout at park
14. Agenda items for next meeting- dogbin replacement, speeding update, village sign update,
15. To vote on going in to closed session to discuss employment matters, due to the possibility of personal information being discussed. Update- approved and meeting closed
Temporary contact for Quadring parish council