June 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

A meeting of Quading parish council was held on Monday 7th of June 2021 at 7pm at St Margarets Hall, Quadring,  8 councilors present along with 1 elector and District Councilor Walsh
All decisions were unanimous unless stated
1. Apologies for absence- Charles Robinson
2. Minutes of the last meeting to sign also January missing minutes- Agreed
3. Election of chairman and vice-chairman- Henry Bingham chair nominated by Diane Beehoo, seconded by Andrew Jackson
Vice chair Diane Beehoo, nominated by Henry Bingham, seconded by Sue Plumber
4. Declarations of interest- Councilor Bingham on planning in respect of crossroads nurseries, Councilor Rycroft Jones declared she worked at the school in respect to the same application. Councilor Clifft declared he worked at the doctors in respect to the same application. Neither Councilors Clift or Rycroft- Jones had any financial interests
5. Chairman’s remarks and clerk report to include correspondence-none
6. Appointments to charities- Unknown Donors Councilors Beehoo and Bingham, Cowley and Browns Councilor Rycroft Jones and Plumber
7. Speeding issues main road update- Councilor Bingham has put a request in for a TRO to reduce the speed limits between the villages signed by the district councilors LCC councilor and parish chairman from all 3 villages
8. Village sign repair- Replacement donated by Councilor Bingham, councilor Jackson to put up. Councilor Beehoo to get quote for repainting original
9. Contributions to churchyard upkeep- It was agreed to continue paying £3000.00 to the upkeep of the churchyard
10. Planning matters
H15-123-20 -providence house amendment- support
H15-0461-21 Clarke close quadring extension- no objection
H15-0537-21 Bresby house new road repairs to gable end- support
H15-0538-21 crossroads nursery modification 106 deferral -support( Councilor Bingham left the room)
H15-0541-21 sunny lea barn new road, landscaping condition compliance- no comment
H15-0546-21 sunny lea barn erection of lean too and doors and cladding- would be an improvement in respect to cladding
11. Payments- grass cutting £518.40 bnib insurance £636.91 LALC £353.86,