February 2025
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Members are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at St Margaret’s Hall, Quadring on 24th February 2025 at 7pm
The public forum is immediately prior to the start of the meeting, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council concerning matters to be discussed on this agenda. Time for this session is limited to 15 minutes.
Council session
Members of the Parish Council are reminded to submit to the Monitoring Officer at South Holland District Council any changes to the content of their Register of Member Interest Forms. Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting, in addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or an inhabitant of the area).
199. Apologies and reasons given
200. To receive declarations of Interests and considerations for any requests for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
201. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 6th January 2025
202. To receive report from District Councillors:
203. To receive Chair/Clerks report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations
204. To review and adopt
I. Publication scheme
II. Standing orders
205. To discuss update on Playpark and annual reports
206. To discuss refurbishment of Crossroads sign in middle of village and Village sign
207. To receive updates on speeding issues in Town Drove and to discuss setting up a new Speedwatch group
208. Planning matters
Planning applications/decisions received since the last Council meeting
For comments
I. H015-0096-25 – Details of foul & surface water disposal, ecological biodiversity measures, external boxes for gas & electricity supplies, gas flues & soil vent pipes, storage & disposal of refuse & recycling, construction management plan & method statement & prevent the deposit of mud on public highways by vehicles travelling from the site during construction of the development (Conditions 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 & 16 of H15-0360-22- Land adj to 62 Watergate Quadring- Clarke Group
II. H15-0097-25-Details of external materials & confirmation of access closure (Conditions 2 & 3 of H15- 0865-24)- land adj to 62 Watergate, Quadring- Clark Group
I. H15-0806-24- Demolition of exiting building and erection of replacement dwelling- The Ferns, Beck Bank, Quadring Fen- APPROVED-
209. Finance
I. To approve payments within Clerks report
II. To review Bank reconciliation
III. To review income and expenditure to 17th February 2025
IV. To review Budget for 2024-2025 up to 17th February 2025
V. To review fixed asset report
210. To receive reports from other committees
211. To set date for next meeting
18th February 2025
F Newton – Clerk/RFO