January 2025

Minutes of the Meeting of Quadring Parish Council 
held on Monday 6th January 2025 at St Margarets Hall, Quadring at 7pm
Present: Councillors: A Jackson, H, Bingham, T Diggins, J Young, S Rycroft-Jones, S Plummer, M 
Clifft, C Robinson, F Newton (Clerk).
The meeting was opened at 7pm and chaired by Cllr Rycroft-Jones
Also, in Attendance: n/a
Open Forum: n/a
185. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence: Cllr Beehoo- It was Resolved to accept apologies
186. To receive declarations of Interest and consideration of requests for dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  none received
Cllr Bingham joined the meeting at 7.02pm and chaired the remainder of the meeting
187. To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th November 2024: It was Resolved to approve the minutes 
188. To receive report from District Councillors- Cllr Bingham reported in his role as Dist Cllr that SHDC are still having issues with waste collection, and asked to be copied in on any emails reporting this matter
189. To receive Chair/Clerks report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations-   
SHDC Precept information for 2025
Chattertons Land registry documents for Casswell drive play area
Lloyds bank information regarding changes to bank accounts
LALC E news and training update
SHDC Updated electoral register
LALC information ref Training scheme 2025/26
Play inspectors Annual park reports


The Clerk reported that an email had been received regarding the siting of the benches in Casswell Drive. Cllr Bingham suggested that a meeting was held on site to discuss this and mark out the position for the benches. Cllr Bingham has received correspondence about speeding along Town Drove- Clerk to request quotations for a mobile SID unit, to be discussed further at the next meeting. The Clerk reported that correspondence had been received from Lloyd’s bank- the bank is changing the way the current account operates and will be applying a monthly fee. Clerk to make enquiries regarding changing Banks.
190. To consider joining the LALC Annual Training scheme for 2025/26- It was Resolved for Council not to join the scheme for 2025/26
191. To discuss points and resolve to act on points raised by the External Auditor- the report was discussed and it was Resolved to accept and act on this matter
192. To discuss update on playpark and annual reports- Council to meet on site to view matters raised in the report. Cllr Jackson reported that there could be potential monies available from Lincs Comm Foundation for some of the works. It was Resolved- quotations to be sought for items raised as moderate risk. Cradle swing seat, stepping stones, mesh fence and basket ball back board and hoop. Clerk to also contact SHDC ref replacement bins on St Margaret Drive.
193. To discuss refurbishment of Crossroads sign in middle of village and village sign- Clerk to contact SHDC, the Sign contractor and Highways
194. Planning Matters
Planning applications/decisions received since the last Council meeting
For comments
I. H15-0968-24 – Installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic solar panels to generate power to existing shepherd’s huts- Crosskeys farm Quadring Bank- Mr C Burdall
No comments
I. H15-0712-24- Demolition of existing garage and replace with wooden shed with tiled roof- 68 Town Drove- R Gannon- APPROVED
II. H15-0865-24- Erection of 7 detached dwellings- outline approval H15-0360-22- Land Adj 62 Watergate Quadring- APPROVED
195. Finance
I. To approve payments within Clerks report
25/11/2024 BAK Accounting 14.60   14.60 BACS
29/11/2024 Play inspectors 500.00 100.00 600.00 BACS
22/12/2024 LALC 381.14   381.014 BACS
Previously Authorised
31/12/2024 Clerk Salary 241.70   241.70 BACS


HMRC 14.80   14.80 BACS
30/11/2024 Clerk Salary 241.70   241.70 BACS
30/11/2024 HMRC 14.80   14.80 BACS
It was Resolved to authorise payments
II. To review Bank Reconciliation 
Balance of account at 29th December 2024
Current Account -   £15538.12
Instant Savings-     £1315.96– play park committee- earmarked
Instant Savings-     £3006.24-  Salem burial ground maintenance
It was Resolved to accept bank reconciliation
III. To review income and expenditure up to 29th December 2024
Income from 5th November to 29th December 2024
£7.21 from bank interest
Expenditure from 5th November to 29th December 2024   (including items to be approved at this meeting)
It was Resolved to accept the Income and expenditure report
IV. To review Budget for 2024 up to 29th December 2024- figures not available for the meeting, Clerk to email to Cllrs
196. To resolve to apply to SHDC to raise a precept of £15500.00 for 2025/26- It was Resolved to apply for this precept figure. The Tax base figures from SHDC are not available yet, so based on last years figure this represents a 7.6% increase for Band D council tax
197. To receive reports from other committees- Cllr Rycroft- Jones reported on the Cowley Browns Charity, the representative for LCC has resigned and Cllr Rycroft-Jones will be taking over this position, the Parish council will be required to put forward a further Cllr to this committee. Cllr Robinson left the room at 7.51pm. Cllr Bingham asked if any information had been received by anyone members of the Unknown Donors Charity Committee. Councillors reported that nothing has been received. The Clerk reported that as the Clerk for Gosberton that nothing has been received by Gosberton Councillors either. It was Resolved- Cllr Youngs was appointed as representative to the Cowley Browns Charity, Cllr Rycroft-Jones is to contact the Charity Clerk to update the information. Unknown Donors- The Clerk is contact the Unknown Donors clerk to request that updated information is sent out the members and that a meeting is called as soon as practical. Cllr Robinson rejoined the meeting at 7.57pm
198. To set date for next meeting- 24th February 2024
Meeting closed at 8.01pm
Chairman ………………………………….