August 2021 Agenda

To all members of the council.
You are hereby requested to attend the next meeting of Quadring parish council on Tuesday 31st October 2021 at 7pm at St Margarets Hall Quadring
There will be a public forum at the beginning of the meeting where questions and statements are welcome from the public
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Approve minutes of the last meeting plus updates
4. Chairman’s report and clerk report to include correspondence
5. To discuss the notice of public interest issued against quadring parish council in regards to the none submission of agar 19/20 due to clerks illness
6. Community speed watch
7. Park and bin update
8. Planning matters
H015-0760-221 sunny lea barn surface water disposal
9. Payments £108.00 lalc training
10. Clerk update
11. Set date for next meeting
12. Any other business
13. Agenda items for next meeting
Temporary contact for Quadring Parish council tel; 07868701655