February 2020 Minutes


Towndam Lane,
Nr Spalding,
A Meeting of Quadring Parish Council was held on Monday  3rd. February 2020 under the Chairmanship of Coun . M. Clifft.

The Clerk had been trying to arrange a Meeting with the Red Cross so that could give some advice on the defribrillator and also some basic First Aid skills.  As yet he had been unable to do so.

The problem with Bedford Bridge would have to have to side made up so that a permanent repair could be made.

The various potholes in the vilage were on the programme for repair.

The van which had been parked on the Main Road, causing visibility problems was now being parked in the Hall car-park.

The Council thought that it might be an idea to plant some trees near the school to celebrate VE day. Coun Rycroft-Jones was going to look into this.

There was an unsafe wooden bridge going from Watergate towards the School footpath. This had been reported and repairs were to be made as and when time allowed.

SHDC were to be trialling some new dog-bins which would let them know when they were full. The Clerk was to contact them towards the end of March to ask for Quadring to be included in this trial.

Two new dog bins were to be ordered, one for the Watergate end of Sarahgate Lane, and one for the end of the footpath in Watergate. The Clerk was to ask the SHDC why the dog bins in the village were not being emptied weekly.

The letter from Maples setting out what Broadgate were to do to the Salem Burial site,was put before the Council.

Sneath's were given the grass cutting contract again.

A cheque made payable to the PCC, value £1000 was signed. This was to go towards the heating in the Hall.

There was a request for the Standing Order document be sent to each Councillor.

Complaints were made about mud on various roads in the village.

Only the Police could take action over this.

M.V.Stacey (Clerk to the Parish Council).