February 2020 Agenda
Towndam Lane,
PE11 4TR.
To All Councillors.
You are invited to attend a Meeting of the above Parish Council, to be held in St. Margarets Community Hall on Monday February 3rd. 2020, at 7.00 p.m.
There will be the usual Meeting to discuss any problems with Parishioners, and this will take place at 7.00p.m. and last for up to 30 minutes.
Agenda. (approx 7.30 p.m.)
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of last Meeting.
3. Matters arising.
4. Correspondence.
5. Plans (if any).
6. Local bus service (Lack of late buses etc)
7. VE celebrations.
8. Cheque to be signed.
9. Defribrillator training.
10. Any other business by leave of the Chairman.
M.V.Stacey (Clerk to Quadring Parish Council) – Tel. No. 07708483621
Dated this 27th. January 2020